Classic Rough sets translation

Kopei article


本文主要想翻译一下经典论文Pawlak Z.Roughset, 以期全面地了解这一技术,为后续应用打下基础。




  1. E. Konrad, E. Ortowska, and Z. Pawlak, An approximate concept learning (Berlin,
    Bericht, 1981), pp. 81-87.
  2. W. Marek and Z. Pawlak, “Rough sets and information systems,” ICS PAS Reports
    (441) (1981).
  3. R. Michalski, “S., Pattern Recognition as Role-Guided Inductive Interference,” 1EEE
    Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2:179-187 (1971 ).
  4. E. Ortowska, “Semantics of vague concepts, Application of rough sets,” ICS PAS
    Reports (469) (1982).
  5. E. Ortowska, “Logic of vague concepts, Application of rough sets,” 1CS PAS Reports
    (474) (1982).
  6. E. Orlowska and Z. Pawlak, “Measurement and observability, Application of rough sets,”
    (to appear).
  7. Z. Pawlak, “Rough sets,” ICS PAS Reports (431) (1981).
  8. Z. Pawlak, “Rough relations,” ICS PAS Reports (435) (1981).
  9. Z. Pawlak, “Rough functions,” ICS PAS Reports (167) (1981).
  10. Z. Pawlak, “Information systems, theoretical foundations,” Information systems 6
    (3):205-218 (1981).
    t 1. Z. Pawlak, “Rough sets, Algebraic and topological approach,” ICS PAS Reports (482)
  11. A. Robinson, Non-standard analysis (North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam,
  12. L. A. Zadah, “Fuzzy sets,” Information and Control 8:338-353 (1965).
  13. E. O. Zeeman, “The Topology of the Brain and Visual Perception,” in Topology of 3-
    Manifolds and related topics, M. K. Fort, ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.Y., 1962).
  • Post title:Classic Rough sets translation
  • Post author:Kopei
  • Create time:2020-06-30 00:00:00
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Classic Rough sets translation